Thread: Reality mod
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SS.SGW~Siggi is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-26-2002, 01:16 AM

md, you are most likely a physically degenerate human being who got his huge inferiority complex as a direct result of that fact.

I know enough tech to do what I need to do, and succeed. You, on the other hand, clearly attempt to compensate for your physical and psychological inadequacies by accruing huge amounts of anal knowledge and then engineering situations by which you can show it off.

You are a sad loser, a little man with a big chip on his shoulder and a point to prove. A typical keyboard-warrior...big mouth safe at home but a scuttling rat anywhere in a real-world location. I've built up a very clear picture of your psychology from your posts, and you are a weak, insecure and very ineffectual individual.

Go on deluding yourself that you are somebody'll ensure that you never evolve and spend the rest of your life twisted out of shape. Normally I'd pity somebody like you, but you have made obnoxious repulsiveness an art form and I can only say I'd like to see you open your mean mouth in a public venue and get the bitch-slapping you so richly deserve. But then you probably had plenty of those at school, no doubt a contrubutory factor in your development as a pathetic shadow of what a real man should be.


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