Thread: sycho chick
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Default 07-09-2003, 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by "Unknown_Sniper":e67e2
Originally Posted by whatever
[quote:e67e2]I don't know about the US, but in Australia people like her don't exactly get the best reception in Prison. Even criminals have their tolerances.

same in the usa. depends on the prison. she prob will get a easy mental one.
Theres some rules in the US
1. Kill kids you get butt raped in prison.
2. Rape, kill women you get butt raped by large men in prison.
3. Kill a cop or other officialy become celebrity in prison..

Any that I misseD?[/quote:e67e2]

You missed explaining how you're so learned in aspects of Prison life.[/quote:e67e2]
My home boys dog! no really. Ive had some cops talk to a couple of my classes and those are the things the yhave told me
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