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I No Longer Like Metallica
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Default I No Longer Like Metallica - 07-11-2003, 06:01 PM

I have now lost all respect for them.

Making a surprise guest appearance at the Download Festival, despite Limp Bizkit pulling out as main act for day 2, which could easily have been filled by metallica and made the sunday worthwhile for 50,000 fans including myself, instead of a plucky 8,000 who crammed into the scuzz tent.

Ruining Napster for everybody.

St.Anger album having not one guitar solo on despite them telling us the album is going to be like good old metallica stuff. they may aswell have called their album St.Slipknot.

Selling out to f*cking kids by appearing on CD:UK a few weeks back. Now fair enough i watch it for Cat Deeley, but metallica do not belong on a kiddies music show along side pop music.

They now officially have their heads so far up their arses that those lumps in their throats could be their noses.

I am but one ex-metallica fan, and arnt set out to flame metallica or anything, but let it be known, the albums i own of theirs will be returned to the shops and i'll download them all off the net just to despite their views on file sharing.
Screw them.

rant over.
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