Thread: A Few Changes
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A Few Changes
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Default A Few Changes - 07-15-2003, 03:46 PM

Hey all,

You may have noticed a few changes when you looked at the Forum Index. I removed the Battle Report section and moved the posts into General Discussion. That section wasn't used much and was only taking up screen real estate.

You'll also notice that BallisticWookie and Recycled Spooge aren't listed as Moderators/Admins. This is not supposed to be permanent. If those guys ever come back to the board, I'll gladly re-instate them to their former positions. Both are great guys who deserve the positions they had, but I thought it was pointless to have them in the mods/admins list if they haven't visited the board in months.

I hope I haven't stepped on anyone's toes by doing this. I assure you it was not done out of any malice or ill will.

Just thought I'd keep you guys in the loop.  247
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