MOH Frustration -
07-15-2003, 08:26 PM
I usually would not have posted here, but I have reached a level of frustration that I never have before. Here is my situation :
I recently reinstalled Windows XP on my machine. I also reinstalled MOHAA and patched it with the 1.11 patch. I then went ahead and installed new video and audio drivers. Now, from that point, whenever I joined a server, the game would crash. It would label mohaa.exe as the problem file. Here are the solutions that I have tried, with no positive results :
1. Reinstalling the game
2. Reinstalling the game on a different drive
3. Removing all entries from the Registry
4. Reinstalling video drivers
5. Reinstalling audio drivers
6. Repairing the game
7. Running the game at version 1.0 and 1.11 and both with and without the NO CD patch
8. Running a Windows Update
Even after all that, the game continues to crash, giving me the same error in return. I have run out of possible solutions, so I turn to all of you for anything else that you think would cause something like this to happen. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you.