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Default 07-15-2003, 09:51 PM

i dont blame dr.deleto either, apparently he puts up with enough shit in his life outside of these fuckin forums, so its probs pretty disconcerting to see shit like no one dl'ing his work

one things for sure, the mms forum, now thta most of the n00bs are gone, is now plagued by very angry ppl. its just a game, and half of this shit is just funny. its when it crosses the line to offend those who work thier asses off to make the shit we beg for (the carbine, the 1928 tommy, the mp41, the wrapped KAR, it goes on...) that it fucks up the greatness of this forum.

this is the only forum i participate in, and i check it primarily to see the work of those like dr.deleto, mohaa_rox, mpowell1944, etc. etc. and to see zoner fuck up all the b00n asshats we see ona daily basis...
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