Originally Posted by Axolotl
Been playing MOH for a while, love it. I have always wondered how common ceating is, e.g. wallhacks. I wonder because I don't cheat.
Out of curiosity, I run a wallhack on a few public servers. When you run one, it becomes immediately and completely obvious that MANY people are running them. Knowing this, there is really no fun in the game at all.
To the question, is there any way to recognize a server where the admins are serious about this?
Call me naive but I had no idea it was so rampant. Frankly, I don't see the point in playing the way things are; playing with the cheat is no fun, and getting owned by hackers is no great fun either. Any advice is welcome.
PS Server hosts cheat as much as the guests...
i love it because people run wallhacks, and they are like OMG I WAS ABOUT TO TURN THE CORNER AND HE STOPPED TO WAIT FOR ME. this infact happened today, and i have one thing to say. GO FUCK URSELF, there are players out there that focus on sound, they can hear u coming from miles away and set up a shot easily. dont accuse people of cheating unless u have proof