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Default 01-23-2002, 12:09 AM

MOHAA has realism,great sound and visuals,but threading around i lead boots get to you after a while,+ the fact that you cant play MP for very long without being killed by someone on top of a church spire or from underground. But a patch will fix the cheat issue,in the near future.
And the maps are almost the same.

RTCW is fast,not that ugly and has an nice ambiance to it,more intresting maps.And there has only been one major cheat within the game before the patch (The granade rain feature).
In MOHAA you can use all the cheats from the console:noclip,tele,dog and so on....
And there are communication withion the game, Chat,Team_chat,pre-recorded voice commands.

I have had more fun with RTCW then MOHAA so far, but MOHAA is still a "baby" and it will get better, but then so will RTCW.

Im not only advancing really fast in that direction..
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