Originally Posted by Germ
super 61. delima=dilema. how could you know the meaning, but can't spell the word. and dont give me some bs about typing fast. i goes in first.
fuck you suckers. you can all fucking burn in hell with your bad spelling and your fucking shit brains. you know who i'm talking to you fuck brains. i'm talking to all you fuck heads who spell like 5 year olds. spending 10-20 years learning english. is that not enough? ask yourself this question.
what the fuck is wrong in this world when a fucking commie can spell better than someone who's lived in america all his life. when china takes over taiwan. the asian world is going to launch a massive offensive against the united states and it's allies. along with russia we will crush you fuckers. and when this is all over. you wont have to worry about improving your english because you'll all be speaking chinese. fucking assholes.
i shit on all of you. i will go against your country and i will crush your defenses, exterminate your people and fucking makes you speak chinese.