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Death is Offline
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Default 01-23-2002, 03:02 AM

ok, i was told to move this thread here from Battle Reports so more people will see it. So here it is:

Look, its very simple, ive heard a lot of ways to do it and this is what i used and it works, trust me.

As soon as it started (gate dropped) i ducked and let my guys be my sheild (no mercy) then as soon as you get in the water and find cover and stay there until the firing stops and the Germans have to reload. Then make a dash for the next closest hedgehog (the cross things). Now, sometimes you can get up to 3 or 4 hedgehogs in a row if you stay ducking and when running, stay in a straight line behind the one yer heading to. Then once yer up the beach and on the shingle the rest is cake.

And heres me having some fun. This is as far as you can go to the side of the Beach, or at least as far as i can get. I havent hit an invisible barrier, but the sides are lined with mines like crazy. So this is as far as i got. Plus, you cant go behind the boats out into the ocean, you hit an invisible barrier there.

Heres what the Axis can see (me playing online) from the left bunker.

and hers what the Axis can see when looking down on the Allies way up. I usualy site here and pic off their heads that you can see while theyre running through there.

Not yer average death.
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