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noddy102 is Offline
Posts: 31
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Default PANDORA - 07-20-2003, 11:02 AM

I need to know some things about Pandora so if anyone could answer any of these quesitions I would be grateful:
Is Pandora the most reliable and simplest Anti-cheat program around for MOH?
Where can I find a good Pandora website in English, giving a good instruction on installing it?
Does anyone know why Pandora works for some and not for others?
Whats this Pandora Verified .exe file that can be obtained from EA?
Whats the easiest way to remove custom files from your main MOH directory?
Are there any custom files you can keep in your MOH Main directory when using Pandora, and can you keep others, as long as you dont use them in the game (like not using custom skins in a game??)?
Please if you can answer one of the questions above.
Thank you
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