07-21-2003, 12:49 AM
as it reads in my contract, it is unassigned aiborne. When I contracted, I wanted Rangers, however the only slots available to me at the time were for cook (yeah, fuck that) and field artillery. so I went for AB infantry instead. My recruiter (definitely not the typical stereotyped car sales type) a fellow infantryman no BS guy who served with the 10th Mtn, told me more than likely if I let the course ride for itself, and made sure things were straightened out, I will end up at Bragg. Actually, 2 guys who graduated a year ahead of me are at Vicenza with the 173rd. Hell I'd be happy with anywhere really. Even if I get assigned to Korea, or was in the 82nd, I'd still end up deployed over there anyway since they are a QRF. I've never heard of the RIP option. the only RIP I know of is the Ranger Indoctrination Program. and that doesn't sound right. hmm...