07-21-2003, 08:09 AM
Oh, jeez, you have a lot to learn, lad. Only way to learn it is the hard way and you're going about that right now.
If there's one thing in life that you need to know it's this:
No one woman is worth killing yourself over. Ever.
Fuck me, they ain't even worth losing sleep over, when all's said and done.
Unless you've been with her for at least a year and you're at least 21 years of age then forget trying to win back any girl that you're "in love" with.
And that's not even accounting for the fact that this girl you want was getting off with another boy, wants to be with another boy, and doesn't want to be with you.
There is no advice any man could give you to win her back. No man would want you to win her back.
You'd be a class A loser if you tried (trust me, been there, done that).
Having said that I know it can be hard when all these hormones are ripping through you. Try your best to remember that: The only reason you feel the way you do right now is hormones. It ain't love, matey, TRUST ME.
Find something to do. Go out with your friends. Keep yourself occupied and forget the girl. That's all she is - A girl. All she wants is to mess about. She doesn't want love and when she does find it she'll discard it the moment she gets bored of it.
The reason for this?
She's not matured.
Don't expect anything from a girl until she's at least 18 years old. Even then, there's no guarantee that she'll not be immature.
Have fun. That's my advice.