Thread: Rifle Help
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Default 07-21-2003, 09:55 AM

Enough with the quotes...yeesh.

To the original question, when using the kar 98K, you can't rush in like a madman and expect to live. Pick your spots.

I always use the rifles, so here are a few of my tactics:

- Creep, crouch, and lean around corners. The back end of the church is a good spot to catch players running about.

- Stay away from the bell tower. Everyone looks up won't live long.

- As newt said, lead your target a step or two and time the shot right.

- If you miss, forget about that particular target and keep your eyes peeled for anyone who may have seen/heard your shot or muzzle flash. There's no point in blowing your cover while chasing a dude out in the open.

Just remember, you don't have the luxury of spray n' pray. Be cautious until you get the feel of the gun. You'll develop the skills and reflexes in time. Eventually, you will be a mobile terror with the Kar 98k.  247
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