Thread: i need advice
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Default 07-22-2003, 01:40 AM

ok ..moma has it right ..yeah there is about a 90% hes full of shit ..but there is the 10% chace hes serious ..if so seek help now dude ..

and do not take the crap advice here seriously will land your ass in jail ..and the dumb asses who give that advice nead to realise ..that if he does go out and rape this chick and kill the dude ..then they will end up neck deep in shit when he says "well this dude posted this advice here and i just listened to it"

yeah sure its just words on the screen ..thats what the pedotrash says when thay are geting locked up for stalking a 14yr old girl on the inet ..

people nead to face fact ..reality is that hes proly just doing a post cause hes bored and wants attention ...but there is alwase the chance that hes serious that case you want to explain to the cops that you gave the advice that got some chick raped or killed...

remember ..these days all inet trafic in monitored by the department of homeland defence if your willing to take the wrap ..then post the crap ..

personaly i like not being in jail ..

so dude ..for what its worth ..if your just posting to get attention ..then dont be a waste of cyberspace ..and if your serious ..then find help man ..dont post in here ..

and for all of you that wana tell some sick kid to rape his ex gf or her mother or kill her or her boyfriend ..then remember ..there is a cell with your name on it ..and your room mate named bubba will love yah ..

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