07-22-2003, 12:18 PM
I know the 10th is not Airborne. It really isnt even considered Air Assault. It is ligt infantry like the 25th. However, Ft. Drum has an Air assault course. Anyways, was i was saying if you have qualified airborne, but dont get an airborne unit, you will be likely to get a highspeed unit-like the 10th. Most likl=ely they will not put you in Mech, thats all i was saying. Also, officers suck cock? Will you be saying that when your 45 years old, have had 4 wives, and are divorced beacuse you move every 3-5 years? You see, someone needs to lead the troops. However, i do think thats officers should be required to serve 2 years enlisted. Anyways, good luck.