Originally Posted by pelo
Originally Posted by catalyst
I just upgraded to XP, the only problem I had was that I had to reinstall a few things, but not MOHAA.
Oh that and my Adaptec CD Creator said launching it would make "Windows unstable" so I can't use that anymore because it's not compatible with XP, and I'm too lazy to get a new version.
But yeah, the upgrade went well for me, but you have a different machine so I'm not sure about what will happen after you upgrade
Why don't you get the latest patch for CD Creator that is compatible w/ XP?
And Scrot, make sure you have some decent system specs because XP is a hog.
think this can handel it? its the upgrade im getting within a week, just trying to shop around for the cheapist price now. i dont think il get xp right away though, the program itself is 150 then the cost to install it is $100
PROCESSOR: AMD Athlon XP 2600+
MEMORY: 512 MB DDR 2700 RAM (one piece, Crucial preferred, but Kingston is OK)
CASE: Antec Mid Tower Case w/ 300W Power Supply