07-23-2003, 01:43 PM
[quote="Sargent_Scrotum":4ef4b]does anyone bother to read threads anymore before posting? i said im cionsidering getting it installed with my upgrade! i just dont want to loose all the games i have on my hard drive! christ people![/quote:4ef4b]
That's not what you said.
[quote="Sargent_Scrotum":4ef4b]ok, im considering getting xp with my new upgrade. i have one question, if i upgrade to xp will all my games i have now still work?[/quote:4ef4b]
That's what you said. You asked if your games would work on XP, not if you could keep them. Besides, I don't think you can upgrade from Win98 to XP, only Win2K or ME, but I may be wrong.
You don't want to upgrade anyway, you want to format and install.