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Default 01-23-2002, 10:34 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>What does Half life have to do with MOH<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Half-Life was incredibly important to the entire FPS genre. Some seem to miss this.

Before Half-Life every FPS was just a shoot-em-up. None tried to integrate story, puzzles, or strategy. Ok, maybe the original System Shock, but it never got the popularity to make a change in the industry. The most important aspect is story. All previous FPS games conveyed story through text or pathetic cutscenes. When it came down to it they all ended up being the same "kill monsters, find the key, get to the exit" game. Now granted that Half-Life's story was not Pulitzer material, but it was the first to be fully integrated into the game. Half-Life was perhaps the first FPS to truely motivate the player. You weren't just killing stuff to get to the next level, you were staying live, trying to figure out what happened, learning piece by piece what was going on. Half-Life gave berth to an entire new dimension of interactive story telling in games.

Secondly, Half-Life was the first FPS to implement scripting in a major way. Previously all FPSs just had enemies. There was no interaction around you. Half-Life created an atmosphere by including non-enemy characters and then having them interact in the environment. The enemies didn't simply attack, they carrierd out other activities; they were not single-minded like previous games. This created a game world that felt alive, and this is what took most people by shock. We take scripting for granted these days, but Half-Life was the first in a new wave of 'alive' FPS games.

I can still go back today and play Half-Life and enjoy it. It definitely has lost some of its luster; however, I remember when it first came out, I had never played anything like it before. It hooked me in a way that few games ever have (in fact I can think of only two others that enthralled me the way HL did: Outcast and Homeworld); for this reason I definitely believe it deserves that #1 spot in PC Gamer's list.

Anyway the point is that HL raised the bar for all FPS games. Without it it's likely we wouldn't have games as great as MOHAA today.
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