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ApostleX3000 is Offline
Posts: 35
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-23-2002, 10:50 AM

HL sucks...get over it. Quake was revolutionary when it came out, and you know sucks now. Super Mario was revolutionary when it came, no one would want to even make a clone.

I feel people are way to hung up on old games. I've been intensely playing video games since 1983...and I've yet to find a game that makes me so nostalgic I would want to go replay it.

Half Life was interesting for a week two...but that's about it. I'll give it credit for story telling in FPS games...but the best FPS games are the best not for their story telling properties or scripted events, but, imo, their openess to user manipulation. UT and Operation Flashpoint have yet to get old for me, because every time I play them it's a new experiance. Rest assured though, once their sequals are released, they will be permantly put to rest without any looking back.
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