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Default 07-23-2003, 04:50 PM

Further thinking:

For balance issues I’d have the cops have access off the bat (if they have the weapon handling skills, as well as enough cash to afford the ordinance) to AK’s, shotguns, etc., while the GANGS would have to either steal these weapons or buy them off of crooked cops (of course we GOTTA have crooked players). COPS would also have to worry about procedure and protocol: for example, you cant just run up and shot a GANG MEMBER. If he opens fire then you have cause to open fire, but you can give him a warning. Of course there would be an insentive for the GANG MEMBER to try to shot his way out of a firefight (decreased exp points, decrease in “street cred”, etc.) so shootouts would be common in VICE CITY. The “penalty” for a COP breaking the rules would be strict though – including but not limited to, being kicked off the force. (a player would have to wait a certain period of time before they can rejoin the force, in the meantime taking on certain activities – or they would just have to start over again).

However, GANGS get more MONEY from the jobs they do, aren’t limited ot what they can do, but they have lower health, aren’t even close to being as accurate with their weapons, and have persistent wanted levels (a THUG who has assaulted SEVERAL cops will NOT be walking up and down the streets willy nilly, since if you are a cop, some sort of sign will be visible that this is a wanted criminal – there could even be a VICE CITY MOST WANTED list in the post-office showcasing the most wanted players, as well as a “hitlist” for the most hated COPS – rewards are given to the player who takes these guys out, of course that system would have to be worked on) to deal with. So in exchange for skill limitations you get more freedom.

The AI in the game would run CITY HALL. So we’d have a MAYOR one month increase cop budget – better weapons, higher pay, maintenance on equipment (cars would break down, etc), and there would be cutbacks. There would be specific families for GANGS, but clans could create their own Capos and run certain sections (think SOPRANOS, TONY SOPRANO answers to that one guy, and has his capos and lieutenants). Of course gangs wouldn’t just be itallians – there would be blacks, asians, white rednecks, etc. Each of them might have their own advantages and disadvantages as well.
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