Thread: N3O-=E=-Scopes
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Brutal CarNage is Offline
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Default Hmm - 07-23-2003, 05:05 PM

Just make sure you put a copy in the MAIN and a copy in the MAINTA as well. My scopes are black for SpearHead until I copy the PK3 over to the MAINTA folder. After you do that its all good.

Double check the scope by opening up the PK3 (use winrar, I do) and make sure there are 2 folders... one called Textures and one called Scripts. Look in the Scripts folder and make sure there is a file called 'new_hud.shader'.

You can always check the tga's in the texture>hud folder with Photoshop to see if the reticle has color. Just zoom to about 800% in the corner of the scope and see if its in color. If not then the scope will be black and you probably got the wrong scope version in.
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