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Souvlaki is Offline
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Default KROWN KINGS MIXED MAP MOD HELP... - 07-28-2003, 05:01 PM

hello dudes,

i have a few questions if someone can help please, we have a MOHAA server and we want to add objective and TDM maps in the same rotation, so we searched for a mod, and we found crownkings mixed map mod but we seem to have a problem...

1. If we have timelimit and fraglimit say 50 fraglimit and 20 minutes timelimit in TDM when it changes to an objectiv map we have to play 50 rounds of that one map! which is alot of rounds...

2. If we take the fraglimit off and just leave the timelimit when an objective map loads we only get one round of each map in objective...

is there anything we can do??? is there another mod that will lets us play objetive amd TDM in the same rotation and have only 20 minutes for each TDM map and 8 rounds objective??? can this be done???

if anyone knows please email me at:

thanx in advance! biggrin:
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