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Location: Chicago, USA
Default 07-29-2003, 01:49 AM

Well i didnt name the mods "Realism" in the first place but if u compare my mod to the stock game weapons youd have to agree tis a huge leap to a more realistic game. Most shots are 1 shot 1 kill for the most part and if u played the mod youd see for yourself it the best Spearhead gameplay mod available hands down. And im not just saying that because i wrote im saying that because it just is. Sooo my suggestion to any server admin is if your gonna use realism then you better use this one. This is the new realism standard like it or not. Come play in our 24 man server and see for yourself "If you can get in" its packed 24/7 the IP is look for Team Warzone's =|SS|= in the TDM server list in your favorite game browser.


If you like this mod please email the OGL at and tell them to make DV8R's SHRealism 2.0 the standard for Spearhead realism ladders.
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