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Default GOD DAMNIT! - 07-29-2003, 04:14 PM

Enough is a fucking enough. What the fuck has happened to this place? Honestly? I like a good flame-fest like the next bloke, but in my time there was more thought behind it all, and alot better construction. Now it's "cock purse" this, "wigger" that, and "stick it [insert oriphice here]" there.

Now I know being a "vet" somehow bestows certain powers, but cmon folks - you're starting to become guilty of the same bullshit you're railing against others for. The gang mentality to shot others down, only creates a vicious cycle that eventually gets the n00b whos only defending himself against the VET ONSLAUGHT branded as a spammer-flamer-etc. Of course there ARE those who deserve the abuse, but folks like Scalss (little rascal), how many of his posts HONESTLY were any worse than the stuff we see some vets post?

The "Innoxx Quote" thread, and the "GLOCK MODEL" thread are just GLARING examples of this shit in effect.

Now - I could rant all day but that accomplishes nothing. Here's what I propose to re-energize this site:

Step 1: Take this motherfucker down for one-week/two-weeks. Why? You need to clean out the fucking garbage. As simple as that. I dont remember what the reasoning was that this hasn't been done, but if it can be done it needs to be done, even if it means a forum overhaul. I'm not a computer-l33t guy, but if this isn't possible, is it possible to redirect all traffic to a new site or something, and archive this one? Either way, whatever the cost, the glut NEEDS to be removed.

Step 2: Newbie Forum. This I think is important. The GD thread should be open to all posters as well as the SIG/INTRODUCE YOURSELF forums etc, because these are what gets the people to the site. Beyond that, you gotta prove your chops. After a certain period, if you behave, then u get the keys to the kingdom.

Step 3: Mod/Admin code of conduct. Yea that's right. There has been some SERIOUSLY uneven modding going on. The worst of it is, "well if a mod did it I cant go over it" - WHA! Checks and balances people. I commend the current setup the way it is now, and there are some fine people doing the job, but as I said, there are instances were you have to wonder - "what are they thinking". I realize the ages on this board mean fuses are short, but folks will respect and adhere when they respect the people doing the job. "Gentleman" Rudedog is a perfect example of this. I'm sure he's would have some choice words in describing some folks here - myself included - but you'd be HARD PRESSED to find someone who DOESNT respect Rude.

There are just a few things I've thought and seen and wanted to speak on. Agree or disagree - certainly your perogative, and threads like these comes along every now and then, and probably will continue to do so as long as this site is here, and as long as MOH games are getting produced.
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