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Default 07-29-2003, 04:25 PM

Yeah, death doesn't worry me. To me I think of death as a change; a transition if you will. Not in the stupid religion way though. I think we are part of an eternal wisdom we will never understand. An eternal wisdom that doesn't reward, punish or prophesize, it just is. Like when a dog sees you washing dishes, he doesn't know what you're doing but he's damned sure interested.

Anywho, I hope when I die I'd be so mangled and mutilated that I'd be able to fit into a standard mail envelope. That's the way to go man, hopefully I'm rich and manage to buy a Ferrari and go for a cruise and slam into a cement wall at 260km/h. I hope the coroner has to chisel my rib cage off of the wall with a jackhammer.
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