07-29-2003, 04:43 PM
Step 1: Take this motherfucker down for one-week/two-weeks. Grand idea. I love it and wish I could do it. Badscript is the only one who can clean out the database without the site crashing. I tried pruning the DB with the admin tools available to me, but it never got past 38% before it crapped out. So, until BS remembers he has a web forum, we're stuck on this issue.
Step 2: Newbie Forum. This I think is important. The GD thread should be open to all posters as well as the SIG/INTRODUCE YOURSELF forums etc, because these are what gets the people to the site. Beyond that, you gotta prove your chops. After a certain period, if you behave, then u get the keys to the kingdom. That's not a bad idea either, but it would take some serious initial work and subsequent policing.
Step 3: Mod/Admin code of conduct. Totally agree. I try day in and day out to maintain a certain level of personal decorum and tact. Rude is someone I look up to and respect his ways of doing things. Sometimes you can't always be the good guy, though, and have to get down into the shite in order to pull the plug on some things. This means locking, editing, banning and other things that may not be popular with the masses. I do agree however (and have expressed such to the other mods) that all of the admin/mod team has to maintain a level of maturity that hasn't quite reached where it needs to be right now. Please be a little patient.
Thanks for taking the time to care about what needs to be done around here, ED. I seriously appreciate it.