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Join Date: Apr 2003
Default 07-29-2003, 05:48 PM

About time someone in LLC showed some ballsacks. Well aside from Zoner and Akuma. And RodR hacks worse than Starvo. Hollyw00d - we wont go there.

I agree on alot of your points, and am glad it was presented in a SEMI-unconfrontational way.

The main problem I do have is the double standard. That and this follow-the-leader shit. There are members here who know the kinda sway they have over other members. I think alot of US (yea I lump myself in that as well), have strayed too far to that dark side. But this site can easily be pulled up.

Diversify: Lets get a BF forum. And other game forums, drive new blood to the site. Merge Tech with GD, because HONESTLY what questions get asked in GD that arent Tech questions anymore or server concerns about cheaters.

Regarding MOD code of conduct - someone needs to hash out a plan. Just like there's a rules agreement members agree to, the same needs to be done for the mods. Accountability is the name of the game. And AGAIN I understand age, and maturity are a factor here, and its just easier to say "Fuck You!" or "cock-purse" if you will ( oOo: ), than it is to explain yourself clearly and without useless vitrol - but - and I use the "Rudedog" paradigm - you'd get alot more out of your readership if they had confidence in their "leaders". Because like it or not, that IS what the admin and mods are. Leaders. They set the example. If a mod attacks another member, then its free reign for dozens to follow suit.

Accountability. Leadership.

This is turning into a "State Of The Forum Address" aint it.
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