07-29-2003, 06:35 PM
[quote:f32de]Step 1: Take this motherfucker down for one-week/two-weeks. Why? You need to clean out the fucking garbage. As simple as that. I dont remember what the reasoning was that this hasn't been done, but if it can be done it needs to be done, even if it means a forum overhaul. I'm not a computer-l33t guy, but if this isn't possible, is it possible to redirect all traffic to a new site or something, and archive this one? Either way, whatever the cost, the glut NEEDS to be removed.[/quote:f32de]
What it is is this. The databse is supposed to be 325 or so MB. When it gets downloaded to your pc it downloads 145mb ish. I got a guy who coded phpbb.com to take a look at part of the database and to have a look at the forum. What he told me was that the database is working to a point (145mb) beyond that it does not work. It is only a matter of time before the forum crashes and the database is unreadabale by mySQL.
Their is no real way to fix a board like this unless it is totally erased and started from scratch. For this forum alone you would need at least a 1.5GHZ pentium 4. Duron servers are ok with small server loads but when it gets to high like this forum does it more or less takes a shit and restarts.
So a seperate server is needed for this message board.
I have a UK hosting account that I am not using I currently have Vbulletin setup on the board and I have made forums there like here. If you want you can use that until this forum is either deleted or fixed either way members and posts will be lost.
[url=http://www.six-online.com:f32de]Click me to go[/url:f32de]
Btw I am Gerards brother.