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Default 07-30-2003, 03:20 AM

Originally Posted by Bane
Jesus H. Christ. You all need something constructive to do with your lives.
This is the most pathetic display of's collective intelligence I think I've ever seen.
A prime reason this entire site should be flushed and forgotten. Why hasn't this drivel been locked yet?
...fuck off you pompous prick, who the fuck do you think you are? If "this entire site should be
flushed and forgotten" why are you here?, why have you come to this particular section when
there are plenty of others?, why to this particular thread?....don't like to see people having fun, is
that it? I'd rather any nO0b than a bitch-titted hypocrite like you.

Oh, and LOCC, weeds fine...just stop smokin' teh cok, thxK.[img][/img]