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stevedroid is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 01-23-2002, 10:52 AM

I read that MOHAA had support for iFeel mice and I was overjoyed. Just to let anyone who actually owns one of these mice know: the iFeel effects are great. Now we actually have two games that use our mice yeah!!!

For those wondering: the iFeel mouse is basically a normal Logitech high quality optical mouse with a little vibrational motor inside. Think of the way a Playstaion Dualshock controller vibrates and you've got the idea. The mouse is a little bit more refined since the speed and intensity can be controlled. So you can produce a clean single hit or ping, as well as long rumbles. There's even effects to simulate moving over different textures. Anyway, support for the thing has never been that great (not many people have the mouse I guess) and there's only two games to ever have iFeel support built in: Black & White and now MOHAA. Although there are a few patches for some other popular games (UT, HL, Voyager: Elite Force, etc. mostly FPS games).

The weapon effects are awsome. The Thompson produces a wonderful effect. The Springfield produces nice clean and powerful 'hit.' Grenades generate a powerful, then low rumble that feels absolutely perfect.

If you've one of the like eight people out there with an iFeel mouse, make sure you've got that Touchsense software active; you'll love MOHAA.
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