08-02-2003, 08:41 PM
Well I think you should stick with Mel, why?
1) She's older. Now that might not make much since, as a lot of guys have no problem dating younger girls, but I can pretty much bet this Christine who is 19 is a lot less mature than Mel who is 22.
2) Mel's pretty attractive too, ya know. Between the two of them I think Christine is better looking, but I prefer blondes anyway. Still though Mel is far enough good looking to qualify for the looks category.
3) You've been with Mel for a damn long time, so why screw it up now? Sure she does some things that may piss you off, but what relationship doesn't come with that? Also she's a WOMAN. I hate to sound sexist, but most women are idiots, and do idiotic shit to piss you off. To succeed in any relationship you have to expect it and accept it.
4) No offense, but Christine looks like one of those dick hunters, a girl who once she get screwed by you, you'll be pussy-whooped. She'll think that she owns you. Of course I could be wrong, and very much so since I know not a single thing about her, but that's just my judgment.
5) So having a serious GF with a kid scares you? Hell why shouldn't it. You're stepping into an entirely new area of life right there, but if you like the kid, and love Mel, those scared feeling will go away soon enough.
I think it's a no-brainer. Go with Mel.