08-02-2003, 08:45 PM
Honesty is the best policy in this case, Miyagi. I believe in polygamy so you
may or may not agree with the things I propose; I assume they wouldn't as
well... so I'll look at it from the point of view of monogamists.
From what I could gather, breaking up with Mel seems like it could make
her do silly things, but how silly ? Remember that she has an offspring to
take care of: I truly doubt she could be that selfish. A temporary "break"
could be the solution you seek : taking time apart gives you the chance to
explore alternatives in semi-fairness but if your feelings for Christina grow
you may end up in a bigger predicament than you initially started with. It
would appear that extrication from the aformentioned would be difficult...
but I may be wrong and you might very well make an easy choice after all
is said and done.
In the end, I believe in following the heart: no one can be truly happy until
all loose ends are tied up and the burdenous nature of a situation nullified.