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Default 08-02-2003, 10:06 PM

The reason you're looking to stray is because you are young. I dated a chick for about 6-months, and wanted out. After I got out I'd still think about her, and going back to her. I did - washe, rinse, repeat. At this point in your life it's hard to get tied down because you know you can run around. On average, this is the time when guys and gals are fucking the most and you want to taste alot.

However -

That mother fucking grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side dude. In the same amount of time, you WILL get tired of this Christine, and her knowing you've been into her while dating someone else is not going to start you off with POSITIVE POINTS in the trust department. This is FACT. I had the same shit happen to me, and throughout the relationship it hung over things until we called it quits.

So my advice to you - if you love this MEL chick, take a breather, see if she's willing to just chill as friends for the time being, and not have the level of commitment a boyfriend requires, because right now you cant do it. It sucks to say it, but yes you want to break up to sleep with other people. You know it, we know it, and baby jesus knows it. The only thing that'll make it worse is if you lie about this reason.

And then in a few months you'll realize that you're ready to go back, and hopefully she wont have moved past your ass. The thing that MUST be done though is to continue to maintain a level of involvement in her life and the little kids.

But man, another kid - we'll leave that one for another day.
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