08-02-2003, 10:33 PM
Been in this situation when I was 18. At the time I made the horrible mistake of dumping my GF and then thinking I would have something with the other girl.
I didn't.
She flirted outragously, to the point of kissing, until I told her I had broken up with my GF.
Then it was cold water time. She just lost interest.
At the time this was harsh, but I have the advantage of hindsight. If I hadn't have done what I did 7 years ago I would not be with my wonderful gf today having our first child together.
So, my advice, is do what you want to and try not to let whatever happens get you down.
But, try sitting down for a whole day pretending that you have dumped Mel and can no longer see her, at all. Keep thinking how that would make you feel (not guilt, not empathy for her, I mean how you would feel about missing her).
If that makes you feel happy, then at least one of you is happy. If it makes you feel sad, then that means 2 of you will be sad if you dump her.
When I was 18 I didn't think about how I would feel after I'd dumped my gf.
But then, I didn't think how my life would change for the better, 6-7 years later, because I did.
As has been said before, honesty is good if you want to do something that you think is going to hurt someone. Honesty with them and honesty with yourself.