08-02-2003, 11:56 PM
Ok, this is what Arkan thinks.
When i met my girl, i knew she was the one. We were both young (19) and i knew she would be the one who'd i end up with. So, we dated for several years. During that time though, there were alot of girls. I dated them too but told them off the bat i had a g/f that i wasn't leaving for nothing. That worked for Arkan. The other girls knew the deal and i had my girl the whole time. Was it tough?...yeah, but i got used to the situations and worked my way around them. Out of the many girls i dated, noone could measure up to my girl. Two came close, but in the end, i made the right decision. The game is over now for Arkan and i have not one regret.
So, my advise to you is.....keep Mel and see others on the side. Tell the others you're "involved" so they know the deal and see where that takes you. Now, before i get flamed (to which i don't care), this advise will definately not work for everyone. It takes alot of work to do this and i understand not every guy is up to the task.
On another thought, you are definately too young to make a final decision now. If in your heart you know Mel isn't the one, cut her loose now. If you honestly believe she's the one, hold onto her. BTW, tell Christine to lose the lip-ring. I hate that shit!!
Good luck to you.
The world is my urinal