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Default 08-03-2003, 12:02 PM

Well guys, I must say I'm very impressed and extremely thankfully for all the advice you've given me, you're helpin a brotha out seriously

One thing is we talk through a messenger everyday which is the only way we can talk other than via phone but this is really grating on me now, I don't feel any buzz in talking over it, may as well be a brick wall. Soon i'm going to tell mel that i'm just plain sick of chatting through a program and that this whole thing of talking online isn't going to last another year as it all began with. I'm too much of a physical talker when it comes to girlfriends because online things get misunderstood all the time and taken the wrong way.
When I've been with Mel, look at her while shes sleeping, when we talk, the things we talk about......I just can't see myself talking about the same shit all the time, I cange alot, I try to think of new things to talk about but with her she's not as spunky as me coz she's got so much to think about
Me being with her for life just ain't gonna happen.

I guess this whole situation has and is about me plucking up the courage to tell her that things aren't rosey on my side and that I've fallen out of love just when she's fallen head over heels in love....bad timing but It will be one interesting conversation we're going to have soon

Christine is more of a serious side project (which sounds bad I know) who I've been really good friends with for a while, I've always been with mel, talked to her although I stress its not a mel vs. christine type thing as I may have made it seem. If christine doesn't work out then its ok, its more about me knowing that I won't be able to spend life with mel.
She is very emotional and can be very delicate, she's had many tough times in her life and right now is very stressed will very hard trying to tell her how I feel

I'll let you all know how it goes, I may not tell her for a lil while longer tho, we shall see

That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau
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