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Re: Thinking So Hard it hurts..need a decision
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Default Re: Thinking So Hard it hurts..need a decision - 08-03-2003, 05:53 PM


Now Christine, she is fantastic, almost a dream come true. She is stunning to look at, funny to talk with, She really likes me


Wasnt this Mel 1 year ago? If you know what i mean. Its the dating scene my friend, you meet a girl, shes great fun, sexy "everything youve ever dreamed of" but then you reach the second impression, you find an annmoying habit she has, or she has a short temper, or she a bit of a pyscho, or you never get time alone together because of something or another, and while this is going on, you meet a girl, who is fun sexy, everything youve ever dreamed of... and the cycle loops.
Youre not ready to settle down with someone, i think you can admit that. You want the comfort and security of a relationship, but you only want the fun times right?
You dont want to be spending saturday afternoon choosing wallpaper and kicthen sinks, you want to be out having fun, wild sex, nice memorable times with a girlfriend.
ok, that might not be you at all, but for most guys our age it is.
When i broke up with my ex (the one with the kid) 1 month after she gave birth to him, i was gutted, but at the same time releived. and soon realised it was the right move. Im young and free, not ready to be tied down to baby feeding and nappy changing and "lets go here, but we cant get a baby sitter so he has to come too" "oh we better be heading home soon as our entire f*cking life revolves around this baby"
In the end, ive put it down as valuable experience and moved on. I think you should too. Youre not entirely happy with Mel, so why stay with her? Guilt? She might hurt herself? You might look like the asshole? Its YOUR life mate. Its not a selfish thing to put yourself first once in a while. Especially when its something this big. Mel im sure would move on and find a new man in her life, while you can get on with yours.
Do the right thing. Do what YOU need to do to make yourself happy.
Get drunk and see some strippers!..... and then go see christine.
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