08-04-2003, 01:19 AM
Phhhbbttt Tripper you've seen my face...i'm no picky man LOL
Actually i'm looking to start from the beginning...i've got the "Age of Empires" tour of Roman History LOL...I'm completely aware of how Caeser defeated the Pirates by whoring the corner of the map and saving resources till he built a wonder and waited 10 minutes...
I'm looking for military and political history, Illiad style...it's just that...Greek history is so fucking gay....the only reason they're historically remembered is because no-fucking-one else EXISTED and they accomplished a history of butt-fucking each other...i hate the greeks so much.
I went to Italy and Greece on a school tour in march (march break, YEAH shizzle) so it was all hype and so on, but i'm psyched over Rome: Total War, and i'd like to understand more in depth the actual historical Background at work man...art is never a foreground of history lol