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Maj.Stoner is Offline
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Location: Kalifornia
Default 08-04-2003, 07:59 AM

Well, first off.. That's pretty fucked up for a mother to say about and to their children.. I don't blame you for wanting to get revenge.. mad:

but realistically. You're probably not going to move out at 18.. even if you try, you're not going to be able to afford it working at the local best buy or gas station.. You'll have Rent, utilities, food, gas (if you own a car) a car (if you don't already have one).. or you're going to be a loafer and mooch off your friends and crash on their couch until you over stay your welcome....

In which case you'll probably be begging to move back home where you probably don't have to pay for shit...

So the realistic thing to do is call Jerry Springer and get on the show if you want to throw a chair at her... Sounds like perfect material for them.. Then at least you can lock your self in your room 24/7 watching dumb and dumberer on your new VCR that the show gives you.. oOo:

but in any case.. Good luck..