08-04-2003, 08:21 AM
Hi there,
there are those that like mods... and there are those that dont, to each his own, for those of you that dont, that is fine and I respect that , but to knock others hard work and efforts to offer something new to those who enjoy it, well, childish comes to mind,
truth is it takes hours and days to write the scripts and maps, and lots of mony to run the servers, if you dont enjoy or are not intreasted, dont join,
you paid nothing .. you loose nothing,,,
for example, If i see a custumised ford van advertised in the paper ,,,
i dont call the seller and say custom fords are gay, knowbody cares!!!
I enjoy all mohaa old and new, and i give great credit to those that make an effort to keep the game alive with new an intreasting things, to each his own,,,
All i can say is the =LMAO= server number one, has had 51 thousnd players since April, and is moded with the same type of goodies. Its
filled 24-7 so I think more well contructed moded servers are needed,
as far as moded servers are indistinguashable... well I answerd that quistion.
good work.
ill check it out some time,
=LMAO= King of Hi Ping