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pest is Offline
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Default 08-04-2003, 12:03 PM

He already said it doesnt need any hardware uprgrades.

The reading comprehension is weak with this group.

He also said that he is interested in case mods and it sound like fun.

He gets (lightly) flamed for that because you guys all know what is best for him and what he likes to do for fun.

We arent talking big money here. $35 was the original cost. I have lost more in the laundry before. He is now talking about a new case that might cost $100. Big deal. I have dropped more on one night of drinking or at a restaurant. Both of those last less time than a case mod. $100 so he can spend a few hours making something that interests him isnt such a bad deal.

I spent a few dollars and about an hour tie wrapping my cables and putting sleaves on my power supply wires to clean u pthe inside of my case so my pc doesnt look like some 19 yr old twit just crammed all the pieces into a tin can. Does that mean I wasted an hour of my life? Even if it makes me feel better.

Give the guy a break. He isnt spending your money.
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