08-05-2003, 12:21 PM
There is always one major idiot in each class that either asks too many questions, thinks they know more then the teacher, or is generally just a friggin pain in the ass.
I have this one kid in my arguments class that since day one has not stopped talking about absolute bullshit. He makes up these ridiculous lies that are so blatently false everyone in the class laughs at him. The professor keeps joking with him that he's gonna switch him to English I by mistake, and he asked someone to bring in duct tape to shut him up.
One time the Prof asked if anyone has gone sky-diving, everyone was silent and then right when he went to change subjects, the kid says "oh yeah I went before, but a really long time ago" He's like 20 years old. hake: So then the teach says "oh but it was ass-to-balls right? Tandom jumping or whatever" and the kid agrees, but once the teach sees that he is making fun of him he says "oh no I was by myself".
I want to strangle someone in each of my classes evil: