08-05-2003, 03:34 PM
Punture the fuel line in her car so that the spray lands on the exhaust. That should start a small engine fire. Using a rubber cement or other from of flamable sticky goo run a fuse of "goo" to a gasoline bomb you have premade and set infront of the drivers side. Rigging the gasoline bomb with shrapnel that resembles engine parts, perhaps even going to a junk yard to get bolts from the same model car, the more in depth the better. After that gas bomb detonates killing the occupants, the car should continue to burn, hopefully disposing of most of the obvious elements.
Or say take the "fuck you" approach. Do everthing yourself, never telling her shit. Going out? Just walk out the fucking door without a word. Never speak to her again, she sends you to a head doctor because you wont talk to her, tell the doc, and quote me "She's a fucking skank bitch who i want nothing to do with, unfortunatly she brought me into this world and the law dictates she fuck up my life for 18 years. Im simply doing damage control." Then proceed to walk out.
If its really that bad, walk out now. get a job, or two via lying if needed. Find some dank hole appartments that cost $400 and sleep on the floor for a while. If your sister is in the same position as you and is old enough, bring her along. Get teh hell away from her, and quick.
As for all this "be nice, she'll realise your a good kid" BULLSHIT, people dont think like that. Be as nice as you want she will always treat you like shit. first chance you get dissapear and never look back.
[quote:3d79d]my mom said some stuff like that about me and we still dont talk and she doesnt see her grandson at all . she always asks me why she cant see him and i tell her becuz you're a total biatch . [/quote:3d79d]
I wouldnt even give her the chance to ask. One day i would just have everything in my life in order enough to walk out the door without a word and never see or talk to her again.