08-05-2003, 04:11 PM
This is actaully a hard question. If were talking about the place we most frequent then i would have to say wendys, theres just something about the #7 biggie sized with some root beer.
If were talking the best damn "fast" food then its a tie between FatBurger, and ZIPS. Sadly FatBurger is a bit pricy to eat on a fast food schedule, but you can get beer there. ZIPS is a classic burger joint straight from back in the day. It sometimes takes a bit to get your food, and the drive thru's about as fast as going in. But there is no beating that double cheese, except with a triple, or a double bacon. Sadly the nearest ZIPS location is about 230 miles from here.
Worst would probably be Carls Jr. or Jack in the Crack. everytime i consider going to these places i step inside, look at the staff, and turn around and walk out. Something about the chick working the drive through window having her ass hanging out the window as if it was the next order up just wasnt appealing. Please no sexual referance on that one, she was fat, nasty, and generally dirty. OH wait, i forgot to add DICKS. Yes theres actaully a place called DICKS. This place has to be hands down the most disgusting place ever. I've never been a fan of being able to ring the fucking grease out of cold fries, onto a burger the diameter around of a soda can. The weight of the burger came from the 3 types of pickles they had on the fucking thing... literally. hummmm.... fatbuger sounds good about now.