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Frost is Offline
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Location: Portland Maine USA
Default 01-24-2002, 12:17 AM

I would say the v770. Your card wasnt terrible when it came out, but its chipset is from S3 which is no longer in buisness. Meanwhile your friends 770 is a Nvidia TNT2 and it still has driver support from Nvidia. I would look to see if you can find any newer drivers than you are using. I found these 9.51.12, at reactor critical, see if yours are older.

If the newest drivers dont work, then your SOL, and will have to buy a new vid card to ge MOH to run.

Now as for them beiung expensive, your wrong, I found a v770 the same card your friend has for 40 bucks, or you could get a much better card, a geforce2 mx400 32m for only 50, thats as much as you paid for the game.

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