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Default AA.COM SURVIVOR WEEK 1 - 08-06-2003, 05:16 PM

Well here we go!


Finally something to liven this place up ladies and germs. What this here is, is a contest between the VETS to show who's got the most pull here, who's the most savvy on the web, and as you'll see, who's the most dispicable VET. Morals and hurt feelings should be checked at the door.

First, the rules:

The contest will be held between at the start, 13 AA.COM Members. The members will be competing against one another to establish supremacy. Each member will work alone, although some contests may reward teamwork. At the top you see a list of 13 names. These are the members currently in the game. This poll will serve as one part of the point system. For this week, ALL members will vote for there favorite member, or the one that flames them the least in you n00b's cases. Again this is the player MEMBERS MOST LIKE, not the player MEMBERS DISLIKE. (I'm looking at you Scrotum). The % points of the members will be added to their cumulative score.

Now for the CHALLANGES. During the week several challanges are going to be issued to the competitors, starting with 2 today. The challanges will last as I see fit, and the MEMBERS will not know how long they have to complete each task, until you see a little message saying "X Contest" Ended. At one time there may well be SEVERAL contests running at a single time.

There will be THREE EXTREME ELIMINATION challanges during this contest. EXTREME ELIMINATION challanges will be challanges that reward the fastest player. The player that completes the challanges last will be eliminated - REGARDLESS OF THEIR TOTAL POINTS! So this means, even though you are at the top of the heap, if you suck balls in a certain comp, and come in last - you're done, finito, outta here, back to the minors kid.

A little more info about CHALLANGES:
In challanges - UNIQUENESS COUNTS! This simply means, that if I have asked players to find 5 pictures of JENNA JAMESON and there are duplicate pictures between players, those pictures are disqualified and will not count toward the final total. Point values in between challanges will differ, with harder challanges rewarding more points, and simple find a picture challanges yielding the lowest. Results of a players finds are to be sent to So if I ask for photo evidence of your accomplishments, just zip them or rar them or paste them into an email and send them to that email. We will be updating this forum with real time results of our players findings so that we can get all members in on this. And I'm sure all of our players are going to have fun with the first couple of challanges.

Each, or whenever I decide, we will have the lowest member kicked out of the running, only leaving the big dogs time to play. MEMBERS will know ahead of time when that cut-off is, so they can get as much done as possible.

Current member standings will be updated everyday according to point value. However total points will NOT be visible to other players, or forum members, or to the players themselves. Only I (and anyone else who wants to be a judge), will have access to the current standings. In 30 minutes or so I will update the first challange, although forum members can begin to vote NOW on their favorite AA.COM Superstar.
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