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Posts: 638
Join Date: Apr 2003
Default 08-06-2003, 06:01 PM

AA.COM Week 1 Games:

Challenge 1:
Locate as many pictures of the person that said this:
“Diplomacy is the art of saying ‘nice doggie’ until you can find a rock”

Do NOT post pictures in this thread, make sure you send them to

Challenge 2:
Using your AA.COM ID’s find and be BANNED from as many forums with the following themes:

1. Neo-Nazi/KKK
2. Gay and Lesbian
3. Counter-Strike
4. Ricer/Car Modification
5. Comic Book
6. Family Illness

For this contest, I need the Password and Username of this account to verify Bannings. Be sure to take screenshots of any flames going on these forums, so that we here on AA.COM can follow your exploits. You don’t need to post ALL replies in respective forums, just the ones u think are funniest/sickest/downright dirtiest. If there are duplicate BANNINGS then the PLAYER banned first gets the points.

20 points for every banning.

Extra 100 points to the player who is able to get banned from a site with the least amount of replies.

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