08-08-2003, 10:14 AM
Oh dear god... please, please tell me your kiding. You cant be that dumb. It cant be possible. You cant be that dumb and still be able to breath and type at the same time. Science dictates you should not live past the age of four.
At what age did you lock yourself ina cave? See my last post was full of this thing we intelligent, and some semi-intelligent people call "sarcasm". Now this "sarcasm" inst meant to be taken seriously. Quite the opposite my young fucktard. "sarcasm", as is often used to point out stupidity in a comical mannor. Sadly; in your case the level of humor was to high, and the "sarcasm" to hard for your feeble mind to wrap it self around.
At this time i would ask that you take your "boomstick" and point it at your head. Now do the world a favor, pull the trigger.