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Default 08-12-2003, 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by "Dr. Deleto":721cd
I run my server just fine. hence why asshats like your are kicked and banned. Its quite funny that you are so upset over this. but I grow tired of you and the useless refuse that you are spewing forth. the fact still stands that I have a server, and you cant play there for this exact reason. thanks for proving my point.

You wanna play a round or two ? You fucking half wit, i just joined the server ... You can talk all the "educated" bullshit you want but its clear that your use of large words and the faggish way you express yourself is only a cover for your lack of intelligence. Do you need me to link you to autokick, or a banning guide ? You sir are the gayest fucker ive ever seen.


Ill play ay you interweb gangsta you...shouldnt you be tormenting those kids over at burrow forums? put down the moonshine and step away from the baby.

ps i got kicked from their server when the mod came out...aint no thang...
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